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In my paintings I seek to capture the idea of the instantaneous and the invisible of everyday life. I feel like a pictorial photographer, I think of the works as frames of a cinematographic sequence. I am interested in painting the essence of the moment, what is not seen, capturing what is in people sitting, lying down, sleeping, thinking, sad, that intimacy is what attracts me, in each painting I try to immortalize the sensation that runs through the scene.


When I paint, the action of  comes to me, immersing myself in water, in the wateriness of the painting itself. What separates the surface of the water and the surface of the air, when one is submerged, is a two-dimensional and abstract separation surface that cannot be seen but can be measured. This point of union between one surface and another is what I am interested in working on: between figuration and geometrization, between coherence and incoherence. I think of it as a healing act, both immersing yourself in the water and immersing yourself in the paint.


To conquer space with drawings in the key of installation. To conquer space in order to alter the supposed two-dimensionality proposed by the drawing, to arrange it in new spaces that affect it, incorporate it and affect me in the process of realization. To conquer space is to think of new ways of living with drawing. To observe the atmosphere that affects every surface with a light that is colored with the color of every city in every time. There are two dialogues that take place at the same time: that of space with emptiness and that of light with space.


The time machine powers up at 18:24 

SIN TÍTULO (Tríptico) | Untitled [Trypthic) 

LA CONQUISTA DEL ESPACIO | The conquest of space

UN MES EN MADRID | One month in Madrid

Born on October 4, 1993 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
She is a film director from the Universidad del Cine (FUC).
She is a visual artist trained in different painting workshops, including those of: Dolores Casares, Carolina Antoniadis, Elias Slonim and Ivana Roitberg. During the years 2020 and 2021 he carried out a clinic and work analysis with Tulio De Sagastizábal and since 2021 he has participated in the painting workshop of Sergio Bazán and Fernando O'connor. In 2021, he won a scholarship from the National Endowment for the Arts in the Individual Training category.


He is currently monitoring projects with Sofia Zuluaga and works clinic in Proyecto PAC at the Gachi Prieto gallery, in Buenos Aires. Participate in the residence "The abysmal instant" of MANTA. It is also part of the ´Cuatro x Cuatro´ clinic run by the artist Pablo Sinaí and the curator Federico de la Puente.   

Partyparticipates in collective exhibitions nationally and internationally. In 2021 it is part ofSACH #5(Chacarita was enlarged) at Casa Chaca as a guest artist with Vicky Pujol Ferrari and Lole Asikian. In 2019 he lives in Israel where he participates in the collective exhibitionIndependent Pop Artcurated by Orly Dvir at Orly Dvir Gallery and at Dizengoff Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. In 2018, he exhibited together with Francesca Darget and Juana Rodríguez Simón in the exhibitionCourage and Dispossessioncurated by Pablo Frezza and Juana Biolcati at Casa Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

b.1981, Buenos Aires, AR - Lives and works in Bs As

I studied at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón -ENBAPP-, at the workshop of Héctor Destéfanis and at the Universidad de Buenos Aires -UBA-. In 2021 I participated in the seminar cycle of Proyecto PAC at the Gachi Prieto Gallery in Buenos Aires. In 2022 I did the R.A.R.O. residency in Madrid, Spain.
In May 2023 I made [unidad de tiempo] en el espacio, open studio with the curatorship of Federico de la Puente, and between July and September of the same year I was selected to participate in the Pilotenkueche residency in Leipzig. Germany. I graduated from the Diploma of Art Applied to Society at Uberbau House, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

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