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Using a pseudoscientific methodology, the artist seeks to discover the territory of which, as an artist, she is a part, by personal choice. Explore, walk and observe. Analyze the areas of accumulation of materials, the frequency of the finds, the influence of the weather or the tide. Collect manually and investigate the origin of the materiality found, with scientific advice. It carries out the collection of these structures on the beaches of Formentera with the authorization of the Ministry of the Environment of the Balearic Government. 

In this work, the massive presence on the beaches of the remains of an animal species, belonging to the Porifera class of the Spongiide family, called common marine sponge, is questioned. These remains are a specificity of the territory. What were the conditions that occurred for the arrival of the sponges on the beach? What processes and metamorphoses did they go through? Imagine their history and journey until their fortuitous meeting. In the methodology of his work, he incorporates painting to explore the physical capabilities of the collected skeletons of marine sponges. From the absorption property of the material, observe the changes in texture, volume, weight, and flexibility.

Measure and weigh the marine sponge on a precision scale, before and after immersing it entirely in water pigments.
Record the physical changes produced and then pour the material absorbed by the sponge onto the support. Seek to get as many results as possible. Paint pools, settles, cracks, blends, or blends. traces remain
of the porosity and natural irregularity of the sponges. The experimental result, despite its methodical nature, is strange and accidental. With this working method, he seeks to create a possible emotional understanding of the landscape.


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With a pseudo-scientific methodology, the artist seeks to know the territory of which, as an artist, she is a part, by personal choice. She explores, travels and observes. She analyzes the areas of accumulation of materials, the frequency of the findings, the influence of the weather or the tide. Collects manually and investigates the origin of the materiality found, with scientific advice. He collects these structures on the beaches of Formentera with the authorization of the Conselleria de Medio Ambiente del Govern Balear. 
In this work, he questions the massive presence on the beaches of the remains of an animal species, belonging to the class Porifera of the family Spongiide, called common marine sponge. What were the conditions that led to the arrival of the sponges on the beach? What processes and metamorphoses did they undergo? Imagine their history and path until their fortuitous encounter. In the methodology of her work, she incorporates painting to explore the physical capabilities of the collected marine sponge skeletons. From the absorption property of the material, she observes the changes in texture, volume, weight and flexibility.
Measure and weigh the marine sponge on a precision scale, before and after immersing it completely in water-based pigments.
Record the physical changes produced and then pour the material absorbed by the sponge on the support. He seeks to obtain as many results as possible. The paint accumulates, settles, cracks, integrates or mixes. Traces of porosity and
of the natural porosity and irregularity of the sponges. The experimental result, despite its methodical character, is strange and accidental. With this method of working, he seeks to create a possible emotional understanding of the landscape.


Nace en Argentina en 1984. Vive en Formentera, Baleares, España.
Desde hace mas de 3 años su investigación artística se vincula con la recolección de materiales naturales como medio para abordar problemáticas vinculadas con el territorio y la puesta en valor de los esqueletos de las esponjas marinas.

Realiza la recolección de éstas estructuras en las playas de Formentera con la autorización de la Conselleria de Medio Ambiente del Govern balear.

Obtiene premios en la II Biennale d’ Arte Contemporanea di Salerno, y en la I Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de San Nicolás. Expone en Argentina, España, Italia, Finlandia y Francia. Su obra es seleccionada en el Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales de Junín y Salón Nacional del Bicentenario de dibujo de Concordia. Participa de programas de formación y residencias en Argentina, Alemania y Francia.

2022. Programa de artistas LAVA 22. Espacio LAVA. Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina / Clínica de seguimiento de proyecto con Lucas Marín. 
2021 - 2022. Clínica de artes visuales Dos Miradas con Marcelo Pelissier y Lucas Marín

2019 - 2020. Programa de artistas emergentes Node Center. Berlín, Alemania 

2017. Taller de pintura con Sergio Bazán. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2016. Taller de pintura de Mariano Tello. Campana, Argentina.

2014. Seminario de escultura de Antonio Pujía. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2010 - 2016. Escuela de Arte Ricardo Carpani. Campana, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Residencia Proyecto ACE, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Residencia artística online Mango. Programa RIO III. Argentina y Francia. 2021

Beca de formación. Academia Glamart. Argentina. 2020

Premio video art en II Biennale d’ Arte Contemporanea di Salerno. Italia. 2016.

Premio instalación en la I Bienal de Arte Contemporánea de San Nicolás. Argentina. 2016.

2023 :: Como capturar un destello. Museo Municipal de Arte "Urbano Poggi", Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina. Comisario: Pablo Sinaí

2022 :: XII Salón Anual Nacional del Bicentenario. DIBUJO. Concordia, Entre Ríos. Argentina

2022 :: Absorción. Ajuntament Vell. Formentera, Agosto. SOLO SHOW.

2022 :: Premio Itaú Artes Visuales 13 edición. Artista finalista en categoría Bioarte. Argentina.

2022 :: En Extinció. Fundació Sa Nostra. Palma de Mallorca, España.

2022 :: XVI Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales Junín 2021. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Argentino (MACA) Junín, Argentina.

2021 :: La connexion de nouvelles langues. Programa RIO III Residencia Mango. L’ Expressoir. Marnay Sur Seine, Francia. 

2021 :: Hallazgo Natural. Centre Antoni Tur Gabrielet. Formentera, España. SOLO SHOW.

2021 :: First international Festival of Manuports, Kunsthalle Kohta. Helsinki, Finlandia.

2020 :: Primer Foro Multidisciplinario del arte en Pandemia, Argentina.

2018 :: III Biennale d‘ Arte Contemporanea di Salerno, Palazzo Fruscione. Italia.

2018 :: Casa Planas. Palma de Mallorca, España. 

2018 :: Expansión Cromática. Galería BbArt. Vielha, España. SOLO SHOW

2018 :: Artefiera Dolomiti. Galería Marco Antonio Patrizio, Italia. 

Bérgamo Arte Feria. Galería Marco Antonio Patrizio. Bérgamo, Italia.

2017 :: Arte Forlè – Cesena. Galería Marco Antonio Patrizio. Cesena, Italia.

2017 :: Galería BbArt. Vielha, España. 

2016 :: II Biennale d‘ Arte Contemporanea di Salerno, Palazzo Fruscione. Italia.

2016 :: Galería Buddha ba. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2016 :: Bienal de Arte Contemporánea de San Nicolás. Argentina.

2015 :: VII Happening Urbano, Nantes Artes. Campana, Argentina.

2015 :: Almacén Cultural Cooperativo. Zárate, Argentina.

2015 ::V Happening Urbano, Nantes Artes. Campana, Argentina.

2014 :: Arte Activa, Almacén Cultural Cooperativo. Zárate, Argentina. 

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